This bike is a beautiful monster of an air bike. I don't think it substantiates the sticker shock of its list price, but if money is no object for you, this is about the most expensive air bike/fan bike on the market and performs as such.
Contrary to the other reviewer of this piece, "serious fan bike HIIT athletes" (whoever they are) likely do not care about fan count and dimension, nor any other irrelevant granular details about the bike. The only important information about this, or any other air/fan bike, is its performance, drivetrain, and footprint.
This bike is a monster, but its overall footprint isn't much larger than other popular air/fan bikes. This bike has a belt-driven drivetrain, so it requires virtually no maintenance and operates relatively quieter than its chain-driven counterparts. This bike performs exceptionally well for an air/fan bike.
Is this bike worth the $1500 premium it costs above leading competitors' bikes with similar specs? No, it isn't. But if you have the money, and want the best, this air/fan bike is for you.